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There was a time when computers were just another novelty but that has all changed.  We know that you depend on them to accomplish so many tasks and enhance your enjoyment of life.  Our staff is trained through experience to pinpoint the problem and get you up and running fast.



Unfortunately, nothing can stay the same forever.  Technology moves on and we are forced to keep up.  We recommend upgrading only when it makes the most sense.  We use dependable quality parts that we would be proud to use in our own personal systems.  This ensures the maximum up time possible with fewer compatibility issues.


Troubleshooting - (Hardware/Software)

With over 15 years experience using and troubleshooting computers, we have seen just about everything and have worked on many different technology formats.  What does this mean?  It means a wealth of knowledge at your disposal and a deeper understanding of what causes problems.  Combine this with an eagerness to find new solutions and you have what we hope you'll discover is an unbeatable team.

  Virus Detection and Removal

Viruses can affect computers in many different ways.  You may know you have a virus because of something obvious that pops up but many times it can be subtle errors or problems with programs or functions that don't scream "virus" to the untrained eye.  It's not enough to just have a good Anti-Virus program anymore.  You also have to be faithful in keeping it updated.  Modern viruses can still get through even this line of defense.  Many times when an Anti-Virus program detects a virus on your system, it cannot completely clean it off and the virus must be removed manually.  This is when you need a knowledgeable staff experienced in virus removal with an understanding of where to get information on the latest viruses and how to safely clean your system.  



There are many services we can offer you that are not mentioned on this page.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.


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